
Thursday, June 7, 2018

All New Amazon Fire TV Cube

Today, Amazon introduce Amazon Fire TV Cube, a hands-free 4K Ultra HD streaming media player with Alexa, allowing you to control your TV from across the room. You can find and watch your favorite TV shows and movies, power your TV on and off, change the volume, switch to different inputs, and change the cable channel—all with just your voice. Even with the TV off, you can simply say a command and Fire TV Cube powers on the TV and sound system, and starts playback right where you left off.

For developers, the Fire TV Cube offers a new way for customers to discover their content. Customers can search for content within a certain genre, saying things like “Alexa, find dramas.” The Fire TV Cube will then display all relevant content in a new search interface, where customers can use their voice to scroll through the results and launch the movie or show they requested, or download an app.

Amazon Fire TV Cube is available for pre-order starting today for $119.99 and ships with an IR extender cable and Ethernet adapter beginning on June 21. As an introductory offer, Prime members can pre-order Fire TV Cube on June 7 and 8 for a special price of $89.99—a $30 savings.